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Little Hawk reads letters from students (1:26 min.)

Little Hawk is regarded by Native Americans as a gifted storyteller and teacher. He has performed for thousands of childen at museums and schools in both the U.S. and abroad (Europe and Australia). For Little Hawk it is a great privilege to share his culture with children as they hold the key to respect and protect all living things. Little Hawk is especially gifted in working with those who are physically, mentally, and emotionally challenged. Some of his greatest triumphs have been with autistic, learning-disabled, and homeless people.

The people who attended had an overwhelming response that I have never witnessed in a typical family program. There was no other family event that was more popular or that has brought more money into our center as Little Hawk’s. Everyone, regardless of age, left that day with a special feeling of having been touched, entertained, and educated by a new friend. Participants raved as they left, and some even called in days later to thank our center for such a wonderful program. Everyone was captivated. No words can adequately express the joy and excitement he brings to his audience.

Debra L. Lazarus
Family Programs Committee Chair
LIFE - Local Involvement for Environment
Environmental Resource Center, Larchmont, NY



Little Hawk takes us on a mesmerizing Native American adventure. Raised by traditional Micmac and Mohawk grandparents, he shares his traditions and engages the audience in an unforgettable experience of active participation in Native American culture. Students and teachers may dance, make music, laugh, or help Little Hawk tell stories. Self-respect, respect for others and respect for nature is the focus of this program. Stories of earth and sky, animals and nature, such as How the Turtle Got Its Shell, and The Legend of Rainbow Crow, enlighten and entertain. He hopes to leave his audiences with a keepsake…knowledge that they can make choices to live in harmony with one another and with their environment.


For Native Americans, storytelling is important in teaching responsibility, respect, and how to live in a good way. Little Hawk's stories teach that most of life's challenges can be overcome so we may become the best we can be. The Two-Legged Nation. Listen for the lessons as Little Hawk tells of the Human Nation. This story is about how we're all one family living in different rooms of the same house, and that respectful behavior is a choice each of us can make. How Helping Hands Got His Name, is an enchanting tale about a Native American child who was a bully. He made fun of the way children looked or the way they dressed, and he called them ugly and stupid. The children nicknamed him Brings Hurt. Then he learned that making others feel bad makes us have bad feelings about ourselves and we can make the world a better place by helping each other. He became a kind-hearted person and a hero. His parents were so proud, they had a Naming Ceremony and named him Helping Hands.


Like a museum exhibit coming alive, Little Hawk plays traditional Native American wooden flutes and shows children how to use a variety of objects from nature to make music. "Indians did not waste," Little Hawk explains, "and children do not have to go to a toy store for everything." Little Hawk shows how his grandfather taught him to use two river rocks as a percussion instrument, how to use a gourd as a rattle or a drum or a backpack, how to use a conch shell as a trumpet, and much more! Students are invited to participate in Little Hawk's Rock and Rattle Band. This program could include a Plant-A-Tree Ceremony or students could do a dance for preservation of our environment. Little Hawk invites the children to join his "Good-Heart Tribe" and to pledge to make the world a better place.



Dear Kenneth Little Hawk,

You're a great storyteller. Today I watched you tell us some stories and they were really interesting to me. I go to Albany Hills State School. I was one of the people who was picked to dance on stage. It was lots of fun. Thanks for the show today.

From Zach Maggs

I was with my Family on 9th Sept at Mt. Nebo Hall and am now left in awe at your
wonderful teachings & wisdom. I would just like to thank you for the wonderful light you brought to our Mountain. I also thank you so much for this life changing experience.

Meg Dickson
Mt. Nebo, Australia

Dear Little Hawk and Beverly,

First, thank you so very much for such an extraordinary experience on Monday. It was enjoyed and valued by all who attended. If your message is taken away by just some of the children, let alone could we hope for most of them, how wonderful would that be. Let's hope! I've spoken to all the children about your visit this week and the perceptions and understandings they have gained have been amazing. I have more than once had a tear in my eye listening.

Here are just a few snippets that came from my Tuesday classes (The little ones) so you will see that they have understood more than we might have guessed.

Linda Hayden, Canterbury School

"Kenneth Little Hawk taught me to not be racist, greedy, selfish, spiteful and mean, but to be kind, friendly, sharing, thoughtful and nice. Kenneth is a very peaceful person and is very strong against racism. He is like one with the Earth. I learned a lot from him today." – Tom Streat

"I think Kenneth Little Hawk’s main message was that the world doesn’t have to be a place of war and fights. It can be a place of peace where everyone is friends, where it doesn’t matter what colour your skin is or what language you speak. He had a great and peaceful way of explaining this." – Lucy Levecke

"I think Kenneth had lots of messages to tell. His main ones were to re-use everything and to be kind to others, no matter what race they are. I also think he had a great sense of humour. I thoroughly enjoyed the incursion." – Fred Keck

"I think the important thing Kenneth Little Hawk taught us was that you shouldn’t be racist to each other because we are all a community. If you insult someone, you are insulting your parents. Also you should be like trees. If you have a lot you give a lot." – Jenny Sheen

"Kenneth Little Hawk has made me think twice about things. Respect your own community, don’t be racist to people and always reuse things (not to waste objects)." – Sally Yuen

"Kenneth Little Hawk told us about sharing with everyone and about not being racist or prejudiced with anyone who lives a different life-style, looks different or wears different things to us. He told us that we all belong to the two legged nation and if we say bad things about others we are offending ourselves and our relatives." – Bill Smith

"My favourite bit of Little Hawk was when he was talking about racism, because we’ve got a lot in common. We both don’t judge by the colour of their skin or the clothes they wear or how they look. So it was an eye-opener." – Hugh Tyson

"Kenneth Little Hawk came to visit. He spoke about how it doesn’t matter what colour your skin is, what language you speak and what clothes you wear." – Nick Elnazak

"On Monday Kenneth Little Hawk came to Canterbury Primary School. He is a great person and plays lots of musical instruments. Little Hawk was amazing and taught us dances and other different moves. I had a great time and loved his songs. He taught me lots of things." – Laura Thek

"What Kenneth Little Hawk was trying to tell everyone was to respect everyone as if they’re your own family. Whether their skin is black or white, they are still the same as you. It doesn’t matter what they wear, what they do, or what language they speak, you are both humans and you both come from the same place." – Kelly Thomas

"Kenneth told us not to be racist to people that have different coloured skin and have different religions. Kenneth also made lots of different sounds with lots of different things. Kenneth also told us about how he was taught." – Will Lingard

"On Monday Kenneth Little Hawk came and told us about his life and how he learnt things in nations. He said not to be a bully and don’t bag other people." – Mitchell Wilson

"Kenneth Little Hawk told us many different stories that his grandparents had taught him about the environment and being caring and kind to all other people. One of the stories was about how trees can talk. He said that the families that were from different nations came up and ate apples from the tree and felt very good. He said that the tree didn’t ask the families where they were from, or what religion they followed before they could eat the fruit. I think this story sent out a really great message." – Emma Perkins

"Kenneth Little Hawk has taught me a lot, especially that everyone in this world is the same, even if we have different skin colours, different religions or even just different hair styles. We are all the same. It really makes me think twice about a lot of things. Little Hawk is an inspiring man and we should thank him a lot for what he has taught us." – Emily O’Donoghue

"Kenneth Little Hawk taught me a lot about being yourself and not wanting to be anything or anyone else. He also taught me that to be caring and loving was all that you needed to be to be a good person! Little Hawk said to have a lot means you give away a lot and not to be racist." – Eliza Smith

"Kenneth Little Hawk came to our school. He put an idea into our head that you shouldn’t think that even if someone is different in a way we should treat them equally the same. Also we shouldn’t throw away things because they will be useful in a way." – Georgie Bowden

"I learnt from Kenneth Little Hawk that when we waste food, we waste earth. We shouldn’t throw away a piece of undamaged equipment and we should at least find a use for it". – Aaron Ch’ng

"Kenneth Little Hawk was a great inspiration for young and old. He had a great sense of humour for all ages. He taught a lot of lessons, not just our culture but about his, even how he grew up and the lessons he was taught. He was taught by his grandparents and school." – Jess Herold

"Kenneth Little Hawk came to speak to us today and I think he gave out a lot of messages. In one he said that we should be more like an apple tree. This was because when people took apples from the tree, the tree did not ask their language or nation. Instead it asked nothing and let them take the fruit." – Anna Christie

"On Monday 28th Kenneth Little Hawk came to Canterbury Primary School. He told many stories and these stories taught us lessons. One of the lessons that got through to me the most was, no matter what clothes you wear, no matter how you dance, sing or what colour or religion you are everyone is the same. If you make fun of someone, you’re making fun of yourself." – Elysha Lall

"Kenneth Little Hawk taught me some messages:
Don’t bully other people, think before you do it.
Give, don’t be racist, if you have a lot give a lot.
Don’t waste anything, try to use it as something else.
He gave interesting messages and I really enjoyed his visit." – Maddy Balson

"Kenneth Little Hawk told us a story about how the trees talk. He told us that no matter what you are, no matter who you are the apple tree gives us what he has to offer. This story of the trees tells us that we should be more like the trees by sharing everything we have. The more we have the more we should share." – Genevieve Bruwer.

"When Kenneth Little Hawk visited he gave lots of messages. He said not to call people bad names, push them around, or make fun of them. He said not to be racist like making fun of their skin colour, how they dance or sing and how they dress. He also had a great sense of humour." – Charlie Fraser

"On 28th August, Kenneth Little Hawk came to our school to talk. He taught me to never call people names that hurt. He also taught me that it doesn’t matter what culture you are, we are all the same." – Darcy Byrne-Jones

"Kenneth Little Hawk told me that everyone who has two legs belongs to the two legged nation. He told me that if you call someone bad names or hurt someone, you are only hurting yourself. If you don’t like someone because of the way they sing, dance, talk or even the colour of their skin, you are just saying that to yourself, because we are a two legged nation. I think everyone should respect that we all belong to each other." – Annabel Tucker

"I liked Kenneth Little Hawk because he’s got a very good sense of humour and he was very good at entertaining young and old people." – Peter Davis

"Kenneth Little Hawk, Native American Indian,"
by Taylah James and Alice Watt

On Monday the 28th of August, as part of our Book Week celebrations, the native American, Kenneth Little Hawk, came to school for an incursion. He came to talk to us about his culture. He was dressed in the Native American traditional dress. He talked about his grandparents and how they helped raise him. His stories all had a message such as care of the environment, friendship and being different. Little Hawk played lots of wooden instruments and some instruments were made of bone and rock. We really enjoyed Little Hawk coming to talk to us. Thank you Little Hawk for coming.

Here are some other comments from children who were in the library the next day.

Year 2 Students

Kenneth little Hawk’s messages were don’t waste, don’t bully, don’t be mean and share. By Riley Pincus

One of the messages was to be kind to each other and don’t be mean.. My favourite bit was when he played the bone horn. By Courtney

Kenneth Little Hawk’s message was not to bully people and you should care and respect all people. You shouldn’t laugh at people about their skin colour. By Rose

Little Hawk’s message was …….. care for others and feed the good and kind wolf. But at the end of the day it’s your choice. By Helena Mileo

Little Hawk!!! Taught us about the environment and recycling as much nature and other objects. Do not make fun of people if they are different and treat people in a nice way, but just not to one person, everyone. Little Hawk’s name tell a story.
By Charlotte McKinlay

The message was that if you do good things, the kind and good wolf will win, if you do bad things the bad, selfish, mean wolf will win. By Lake

Kenneth Little Hawk was a bit funny when he said that his grandfather said he had two wolves fighting in his heart. He said if I feed the bad wolf with hate I will be naughty but if I feed the good wolf I will be good. He said it was your own decision. That was my favourite part of the whole story. By Lachlan Streat

We should not waste, reuse items, recycle them. Feed the good wolf kindness and generosity and feed the bad wolf badness and hatred. The good wolf will make you good but the bad wolf will make you miserable. By Michael

Year 1 Students

The shell can make a loud noise. The rocks when you take your fingers off can make a different sound. By Danny

I like Kenneth Little Hawk because he was funny. My favourite part was when he told us about the nations. By Nanda and Sarah

We liked the winged nation. We liked the wolves fighting in the heart. If you feed the good wolf he will win. By Ethan and James

Kenneth Little Hawk told stories to us and played good music. He said don’t make fun of people. He was the only person whose name tells a story. He can play music with a shell. He said not to waste stuff. By Lucas and Michael

Kenneth Little Hawk was the only one that had a name that told a story. We liked when he said not to make fun of each other. By James And Kyle

I enjoyed how he said that the trees could talk. He told us that the birds had messages to tell us. By Kristian and Alex

Little Hawk told us to never make fun of people even if they have white skin or dark skin. He said not to waste anything. By Daphne and Taya

When Little Hawk came to tell us about himself. I learnt how to make a horn out of bone. I learnt how Little Hawk learnt at home with his grandmother and grandfather. By Jake and Will

I was very happy that he said do not waste anything. You can make it into anything and you should use your imagination to do this. By Natasha and Thalia

We liked the bit when the birds sang. And we learned to work together. By Tom and Alex

Year 3 Students

When Kenneth Little Hawk said about the two birds I understood it like this:
When you work together you achieve better, when you’re not together you achieve lower. By Liam Ramsay

The best thing on Monday was having a visit from Kenneth little Hawk. He was amazing. It was good how he was serious, funny and enjoyable. I loved the stories and how he said differences between us and others don’t matter. By Rachel Thomas

Little Hawk was a North American Indian and he was funny and nice. He told stories and played his instruments well. He was really amazing. He talked about American History. We think it was the best incursion ever. By Harrison and Dylan

On Monday Kenneth little Hawk visited C.P.S. He told amazing stories passed from his grandparents. We were all fascinated by what he said. It really inspired us. He gave us lots of information about his life. We loved it so much. Thank You Kenneth Little Hawk. By Fay and Ruby Jane

On Monday we had an amazing man called Kenneth little Hawk come to our school. He did some Native American dances, songs on hand carved flutes and most of all we loved the singing he did in the Native American way. By Serena and Abbey

Kenneth Little Hawk was a fantastic story teller, and spread good messages. He was an indigenous Native American. By Colin and Lachie

We really enjoyed it when Little Hawk came. Our favourite story he told, was the one with the tree and the people from different countries. He said that everyone should be like the tree as in sharing things and the more you have the more you share. It doesn’t matter if you are different. Just share to all. By Sophia and Mady

On Monday Kenneth Little Hawk came to school, we love all the stories he told us. The music he played was great. We liked the way he changed his voice in a way that it sounded like his grandpa. We liked when we all made movements with him. It was so so so fun. By Isabella and Daina

Kenneth Little Hawk told messages clearly. He told them through stories that his grandmother and grandfather had told him. By Anthony and Jake


"It is a joy for me to share with you the positive responses we got regarding your participation in the Teacher Training Program for the Westchester Philharmonic's Education Program. Nothing could have introduced these teachers to the very essence of Exploring New Worlds: Music of the Americas better than your hands-on, multi-disciplinary teaching. From our first planning meeting to the last workshop, you and Beverly were sublime to work with." -Marney Kliever, Manager of Box Office & Education Programs, Westchester Philharmonic, Hartsdale, NY

"After the first day of two shows, we knew that we had to have him back as often as possible. The people who attended had an overwhelming response that I have never witnessed in a typical family program. There was no other family event that was more popular or that has brought more money into our center as Little Hawk's. Everyone, regardless of age, left that day with a special feeling of having been touched, entertained, and educated by a new friend. Participants raved as they left, and some even called in days later to thank our center for such a wonderful program. Everyone was captivated. No words can adequately express the joy and excitement he brings to his audience." -Debra L. Lazarus, Office Manager, Family Programs Committee Chair, Local Involvement for Environment, Larchmont, NY

"You absolutely captivated us all -- children and adults -- and we thoroughly enjoyed having you visit. My friends and I haven't been able to stop talking about you and the day of fun all week!" -Karen Bernhardt Samson, Program Director/Head Coach, Water Wheel Olympian Athletes/N.J. Area 3 Special Olympics Equestrian Team, Blairstown, NJ

"The children and staff truly enjoyed your presentation. There was much discussion in class the next day regarding the concepts of prejudice, traditions and the importance of love, understanding, and tolerance in our lives." -Joseph E. Desiderio, Principal, George Washington School, Wyckoff, NJ

"We are most honored that you have agreed to participate a fourth time as a presenter in the C. W. Post/Long Island University Institute, entitled Children's Literature Comes Alive: A Multicultural Mosaic. Your expertise and talent as a storyteller and inservice instructor of Native American folktales have added quality and richness to this institute. The participants, who are graduate students teaching in public and private schools, appreciate greatly the insights into the value and belief systems of Native Americans. It is often mentioned how you effectively explain the many things human beings have in common -- thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This, in turn, can begin to break down the misconceptions about various cultures which lead to stereotyping and prejudice." -Julia E. De Carlo, Ph.D., Professor, Long Island University, School of Education, C.W. Post Campus, Brookville, NY

"For many days after…Kenneth Little Hawk visited the centers…to share his interesting artifacts, tell his legendary stories and share his special dance, the children were talking about him and sharing what they learned with the teachers. His messages about being respectful of nature, parents, teachers, and each other was clearly and effectively stated. Little Hawk's mannerisms and voice tones are extremely respectful of the developmental levels of the children…" -Barbara Sommer, Program Director, White Plains Child Day Care Association, Inc., White Plains, NY

"As a principal of a large elementary school, I've seen numerous presentations on various subjects. Little Hawk's presentation was exceptional. It was a pleasure to have him in our school. I look forward to his return." -Edward J. Hallisey, Principal, Putnam Valley Elementary School, Putnam Valley, NY

"They were enthralled with your beautiful regalia and artifacts and loved listening to your wisdom, storytelling, and music. You taught the children something books could never teach them -- respect for others. I look forward to having you visit the next year's fourth graders." -Mrs. Susan Bedell, 4th grade teacher, Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy, Livingston, NJ

"The universal message of humanistic concern for one another and the environment was sincere, meaningful and compelling. The educational program was most informative and interesting, but encompassed so much more as well." -Hugh J. Bartlett, Principal, Waverly School, Eastchester, NY

"You message of respect for one another and for nature is exactly what we want our boys to hear, but it is your deliverance of this message that created a lasting impression. The boys and parents in attendance that night are still talking about you." -Lauren Salminen, Cubmaster, Valhalla Pack 111, Valhalla, NY

"The response was enthusiastic and unanimously positive. One primary purpose of your program was to give students an appreciation for the enormous contributions of American Indians to our culture and history. But the truth is that your talk went well beyond that -- to convey a message of universal applicability; a message about what it means to be truly human. The obvious depth of your commitment to what you had to say was the most compelling aspect of it." -Edward M. Woods, Principal, Rye Neck Middle School, Mamaroneck, NY

"The clients thoroughly enjoyed your program stating that it made them feel good. The clients spoke about playing the drum for several days after your visit. Your performance aided in bringing a positive spirit to the senior citizens." -Heather J. Dayon, M.A., Art Therapist/Activities Director, Senior Health Center, Bayonne Hospital, Bayonne, NJ

"You kept their attention throughout your entire performance, which for disabled children is a great accomplishment. Their disabilities range from behavioral disorders, to attention deficits, to physical disabilities. These children have a difficult time sitting for long periods, however, you captured their attentions and imaginations." -Denise M. Ferrera, Education Director, ACE Integration Head Start, Brooklyn, NY

"What a fabulous impact you have made on the students and staff of Central Middle School! Your full day of programs and talks…filled the air with excitement and a wonderful aura of respect and pride as you shared your ideas on the dynamic potential of each individual. Congratulations on your unique rapport with audiences of every age. You have a wonderful gift and we are so fortunate that you were willing to come and share it with us!" -Carol Ray, Central Middle School, Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Schools, Parsippany, NJ

"You know I think you are terrific, but beyond that, all our clients think you are wonderful. You have thrilled and informed our clients, and that translates to thousands of children, seniors and general audiences." -Nancy Sies Presents, Alexandria, VA

"Your ability to adjust the content and style of presentation for the respective grade levels (Assembly I -- Grades 4, 5, 6 and Assembly II -- Grades 7, 8) was truly effective." -Raymond J. Mead, Principal, Little Falls Township Public Schools, Little Falls, NJ

"Little Hawk was wonderful! Our teachers are quoted as saying it is one of the best assemblies they've ever seen!" -Jill Martin, Cultural Arts Coordinator, Robert Erskine School, Ringwood, NJ

"Kenneth Little Hawk reminds adults to teach our youth to respect natural resources." -The Preserve Observer, The Rockefeller State Park Preserve Newsletter, Sleepy Hollow, NY

"You were an invaluable teacher in this learning process… that people are diverse and that diversity is interesting to explore and worthy of celebration. Every teacher spoke with me at some length about how pleased they were with your visit and the conversations the children have been having all week. I would highly recommend your program to preschools." -Bridget Delaney-Messana, YWCA Nursery School Director, White Plains, NY

"The children were mesmerized by your show and continued to talk about it throughout the rest of the day. As you know our young guests were children with special needs and your presentation treated them all with dignity and respect." -Marjorie A. Woolf, County Volunteer Coordinator, Ocean County, Make-a-Wish Foundation of NJ, Toms River, NJ

"I have already received calls and letters thanking The National Park Service Manhattan Sites for presenting this terrific event. The teachers of the 350 students in attendance commented on the quality of your performance and the enthusiastic reaction of their students to the program. We look forward to having you perform at Federal Hall again soon." -Julia Reiter Becker, Park Ranger/Events Coordinator, United States Department of the Interior, NYC, NY

"I especially appreciate your mix of Native American song, dance, and music presented in a quiet and thoughtful manner, that is coupled with strong messages to children about family, culture, and the environment. The students and staff thoroughly enjoyed and learned from your presentations. I look forward to you coming again to our school in the near future." -Richard B. Weisenfeld, Principal, Berkeley Heights Public Schools, Berkeley Heights, NJ

"Your program was extremely interesting, well organized, and wonderfully entertaining. Your regalia, instruments, songs and dances were excellent and highly motivating to all our students. In my six years as a principal, I have never seen the students so well behaved and interested in an assembly program. However, what impressed me most was your sincere sensitivity and genuine affection toward the students. You demonstrated a high degree of respect towards the students and all the staff commented on your wonderful charm and enthusiasm." -Dr. Stuart Barudin, Program Director, Bergen County Special Services, Millburn Regional Day School, Millburn, NJ